Laboratory of Pollen Biology
Signalling during pollen-pistil interaction preceeding fertilization; the role of short- and long-distance secreted signals of fertilization

Funding body: Czech Science Foundation; project GAČR 15-22720S
PI: Dr. S. Hafidh
RNA-binding proteins controlling translational repression of stored transcripts in developing male gametophyte

Funding body: Czech Science Foundation; project GAČR 15-16050S
PI: Dr. D. Honys
Function and widespread repression of paternally stored transcripts nurturing early stages of embryogenesis

Funding body: Czech Science Foundation; project GAČR 14-32292S
PI: Dr. S. Hafidh
Role of microRNAs in regulation of cell wall biosynthesis - implications for the fertility of crop plants - MIRWALL

Funding body: MSMT CR; project LD14109
PI: Dr. S. Hafidh
Structural and functional components of plant telomeres

PI: Dr. E. Sýkorová (BFÚ); co-PIs: Dr. M. Fojtová (MÚ), D. Honys (ÚEB)
The role of auxin and auxin-amino acid congugate hydrolases during male gametophyte development of Arabidopsis thaliana

PI: Dr. N. Dupľáková
Localisation of translation of cell wall components in growing pollen tube, an effectively single-cell model system - TRANSWALL

Funding body: MSMT CR; project LD13049
PI: Dr. D. Honys
The role of bZIP proteins in the control of lipid metabolism and transport during male gametophyte development

Funding body: Czech Science Foundation; project GAČR P305/12/2611
PI: Dr. D. Honys